Friday 7 October 2011

Backstory: Damien Heller


Damien Heller is another of that breed of celebrity who seems bulletproof. First rising to prominence as a child television star in the 1980's, Heller's until-then-unimpeachable psychic method was debunked in front of a nationwide television audience by James Randi, in New York City in 1991. Emerging a few years later as the host of "In the Afterlife", an afternoon talk-show wherein he'd allegedly put people in contact with relatives who'd passed on, Heller juggled that with a full Las Vegas stage show, before becoming the pitchman for Spektor & Raithe, Inc., a line of specialty hotels.

When I met with Heller, he was the picture of relaxed composure in a very expensive suit. While the tone of the interview might read as antagonistic or chiding, Heller has a method of saying things so that it feels like you're both in on a very old and private joke.. and it's damn near impossible to get in print.